New Philippines public safety network

​Small cell specialist ip.access has announced a collaboration with Imaginet to implement a rapidly-deployable disaster response network in Makati City in the Philippines.

According to the company, the network will be based on 2G technology to ensure that signals are able to penetrate collapsed buildings, as well as enabling communication through SMS messaging. Ip.access designed, installed and tested the network within a six-week window, with the project's four command vehicles deployed in December of last year.

Makati City, which is part of the Metro Manila region, is the Philippines' main financial hub with a population of around six million people. Built as it is on a drained mangrove swamp, the city’s infrastructure is at risk of significant damage in the event of natural disasters.

Commenting on the partnership, Blair Duncan, CEO at Imaginet, said: “This was a challenging technical undertaking. As such, we needed confidence that we were working with a partner that could deliver a high quality solution. In that respect, ip.access were ideal - the team has an inherent understanding of disaster situations, with extensive experience working in harsh environments.”

Nick Johnson, CTO at ip.access said: “We have a wide range of award winning commercial off-the-shelf small cell solutions which can be easily integrated and operated within a wide range of specialist deployment scenarios. Communication is critical in a disaster situation, so the fact our proven solutions deliver five nines availability with exceptional reliability makes them ideal for applications like the vehicle-borne network in Makati City.”