UBBA commends FCC spectrum decision

The Unity Broadband Alliance (UBBA) has commended the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) decision to make spectrum available to utilities in the United States by realigning the 900 MHz band.

Speaking of the development, head of member engagement and operations for UBBA, Bobbi Harris, said: "The Utility Broadband Alliance aims to assist its members in planning, designing, and deploying secure, reliable, and resilient private broadband networks to support America's changing critical infrastructure.

“As grid modernisation and digitisation are driving utilities to move beyond legacy communications, we are happy to see the FCC enable the 900 MHz band for broadband to meet this growing need.”

John Hughes, director of network engineering for Ameren said: “We could not be more pleased that the chairman and the other commissioners have paved the way for our company to deploy a smarter, stronger and more secure communications network with far greater bandwidth. We thank the FCC for all its hard work in crafting a decision that will support a future where broadband plays a key role in the control and management of our network."

According to UBBA, the organisation consists of “multiple utilities, technology providers and service companies with a mission to provide its members with a forum to collaborate and share best practice in private long-term evolution technology.”

Editorial contact

Philip Mason
Editor, Critical Communications Portfolio
Tel: +44 (0)20 3874 9216