Erillisverkot issues device request

The Virve 2.0 emergency services broadband project in Finland has published a request for information relating to end user devices.

According to a statement released by Virve operator the Erillisverkot Group, the request concerns “the types of devices that users want or expect to use, and the type of devices that manufacturers intend to provide.”

The information request will also collect data on the suitability of a range of devices in relation to different use cases, as well as availability, development stage and performance.

Speaking of the document, a spokesperson for Erillisverkot said: “In the Virve 2.0 development project, Finnish safety authorities and other critical users will switch to 4G/5G technology. The information request will be used to compile responses to the second phase of the project, which defines, procures and deploys mission-critical communication services.”

The news follows Erillisverkot’s announcement earlier this year that Virve 2.0's radio access network will be provided by Elisa, with core systems from Ericsson.

The device request for information deadline is October 16 of this year. Procurement on the project is expected to begin in 2021.

Media contact

Philip Mason
Editor, Critical Communications Portfolio
Tel: +44 (0)20 3874 9216