First orders of the new SC20 series, Sepura’s broadband ready flagship hand-portable radios, will be shipped in February and combine the mission critical security and advanced performance of TETRA with an optional second high-speed data bearer capability.
The SC2020 (380-430 MHz) and the SC2040 (403-470 MHz) have a Class 3 TETRA engine that is paired with a new receiver that surpasses the ETSI specification, which Sepura call a “unique combination” for extending operational range and stretching coverage into areas where it was not possible before. The radios’ high-resolution screen, which Sepura claim is the largest on the market today, is designed to provide a richer user experience. The larger screen displays comprehensive data suitable for future applications through high-speed data and is also viewable in all light conditions, including direct sunlight.
“The SC20 has been designed to deliver the highest levels of robustness, endurance, audio clarity and power. It is designed to place and receive calls where it simply was not possible before,” said Mark Barnby, Sepura’s head of Product Management – Devices. “This is the first product on our brand new technology platform. It is designed to meet the needs of mission critical users today, whilst allowing high-speed data to be added in the future.”
The company says that the radios’ powerful 2W audio capability and unique water-porting technology allows for uncompromised audio clarity, even in continuous heavy rain. The SC20 series is dustproof, submersible to a depth of two metres for one hour and impervious to jets of water with an IP66, 67 and 68 environmental protection rating. Its design also enables it to be cleaned by rinsing dust and dirt off under the tap.
"The SC20 confirms our vision for the future and demonstrates our ability to adapt to the fast-moving markets in which we operate,” said Steve Barber, VP Group Strategy for Sepura. “We continue to provide our global customer base with products that address their ever-evolving communication needs and the operational challenges they face every day. The SC20 provides undisputable proof that Sepura is going further in critical communications."